"These portraits still strike a nerve. An ad for the series was recently banned from Facebook..."
--Advocate.com, Feb. 24, 2016
--Advocate.com, Feb. 24, 2016

Controversial Artist Depicts Jesus In a Way That Has Some Calling It an ‘Abomination’
--Independent Journal Review, March 30, 2015
--Independent Journal Review, March 30, 2015

"Facebook u-turns to allow gay Jesus crucifixion ad:
Advert was promoting a book showing Jesus as a gay man in a
modern city who gets crucified and rises again."-- Gay Star News, Oct. 24, 2104

"Gay Passion of Christ envisioned and attacked"
by Kittredge Cherry, Hufffinton Post Gay Voices, March 29, 2015
by Kittredge Cherry, Hufffinton Post Gay Voices, March 29, 2015

"It's’s not the visual images but the idea of Jesus as a gay man that’s being suppressed.... "
-- Richard Schneider Jr., Gay & Lesbian Review / Worldwide, Jan-Feb 2015
-- Richard Schneider Jr., Gay & Lesbian Review / Worldwide, Jan-Feb 2015

"An art book has attracted controversy for portraying Jesus
Christ as a young gay man living in the modern world.”
-- Pink News, Europe’s largest gay news service, Oct. 17. 2014
-- Pink News, Europe’s largest gay news service, Oct. 17. 2014

“Artist Doug Blanchard's haunting contemporary paintings of the Passion of Christ are an emotional reminder of the courage it takes to resist the powers that be.”
--Advocate.com, April 18, 2014

Gay Jesus Gets Crucified In Steamy New Homoerotic Passion Of The Christ Book -- Queerty, Oct. 24, 2014

"I decided to write about Blanchard’s Passion because the images touched me so deeply from the moment I first saw them."
-- Kittredge Cherry, Believe Out Loud, Nov. 3, 2014
-- Kittredge Cherry, Believe Out Loud, Nov. 3, 2014

Gay Stations of the Cross evoke controversy
-- Episcopal Cafe, April 4, 2015
-- Episcopal Cafe, April 4, 2015

Fr. James Martin touts blasphemous image of Jesus as a homosexual
Right-wing extremist website attacks when famed Jesuit priest shares the Passion of Christ
Nov. 24, 2019
Right-wing extremist website attacks when famed Jesuit priest shares the Passion of Christ
Nov. 24, 2019

Pasión de Cristo gay causa controversia
Gay Passion of Christ causes controversy -- Vanguardia.mx, Spanish, Feb. 27, 2016
Gay Passion of Christ causes controversy -- Vanguardia.mx, Spanish, Feb. 27, 2016

Facebook veta la homosexualidad de Jesucristo
Facebook vetoes homosexuality of Jesus Christ -- Ragap.es, Spanish, Oct. 26, 2014
Facebook vetoes homosexuality of Jesus Christ -- Ragap.es, Spanish, Oct. 26, 2014

В Великобритании вышел художественный альбом, где Иисус изображен геем
An art album came out where Jesus is depicted as gay -- Gay.ru, Russian, Oct. 19, 2014
An art album came out where Jesus is depicted as gay -- Gay.ru, Russian, Oct. 19, 2014

Facebook weigerde foto van homo Jezus maar..
Facebook declined picture of gay Jesus, but … -- Holebi.info, Dutch, Oct. 25, 2014
Facebook declined picture of gay Jesus, but … -- Holebi.info, Dutch, Oct. 25, 2014

Kontroverzní kniha líčí na 24 malbách Ježíše jako mladého gaye
Controversial book recounts the 24 paintings of Jesus as a young gay -- Nakluky.cz, Czech, Oct. 27, 2014
Controversial book recounts the 24 paintings of Jesus as a young gay -- Nakluky.cz, Czech, Oct. 27, 2014

Artista retrata Paixão de Cristo em versão gay: “cada um visualiza de seu contexto”
Artist depicts the Passion of Christ in gay version: "each one displays its context" -- Guiame.com.br, Portuguese, April 1, 2015
Artist depicts the Passion of Christ in gay version: "each one displays its context" -- Guiame.com.br, Portuguese, April 1, 2015

Jesus Christ était-il gay ? Ou l'apprentissage de la tolerance
Jesus Christ was gay? Or learning tolerance -- Actualitte.com, French, March 31, 2015
Jesus Christ was gay? Or learning tolerance -- Actualitte.com, French, March 31, 2015

La Passione di Cristo in chiave gay
The Passion of Christ in a gay key -- Solosapere.it, Italian, April 20, 2014
The Passion of Christ in a gay key -- Solosapere.it, Italian, April 20, 2014

Kršćani šokirani: Isus Krist prikazan kao homoseksualac kojeg razapinju
Christians shocked: Jesus Christ portrayed as a homosexual by crucifying -- Index.hr, Croatian, March 30, 2015
Christians shocked: Jesus Christ portrayed as a homosexual by crucifying -- Index.hr, Croatian, March 30, 2015